What is React Native Linear Gradient

Irmak Coşar Şahna
1 min readMar 9, 2023

React Native Linear Gradient is an npm package that provides a linear gradient component for React Native applications. This component allows developers to create and customize gradient backgrounds or overlays for their React Native UI components.

The package is built on top of React Native’s built-in View component, and it uses the LinearGradient component provided by the react-native-linear-gradient library. This library offers a simple and flexible API for defining gradient colors and positions.

React Native Linear Gradient is compatible with both Android and iOS platforms and has been tested on various versions of React Native. It is an open-source package and is actively maintained by its contributors.

To use React Native Linear Gradient in your project, you can simply install it through npm or yarn and import the LinearGradient component into your code. You can then use this component as a wrapper around any UI component that you want to apply a gradient background or overlay to.

The LinearGradient component takes several properties that allow you to customize the gradient, such as start and end points, colors, and locations. You can define multiple color stops and their positions along the gradient, and you can also specify whether the gradient should be horizontal or vertical.

React Native Linear Gradient provides an easy and efficient way to add dynamic and visually appealing gradient effects to your React Native UI components.

